Why Does My Baby Lick Me? (Explained)

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If you have ever been licked by your baby, you may have wondered why they do it. Is it because they like the taste of your skin? Or is it a way of showing affection?

The truth is, babies are curious and they explore the world with their mouth! Or they might actually be showing affection.

In this post, Ill break down some of the reasons the baby is licking you, if it could be harmful to your baby and if you dont like it, Ill share a few tips to try and distract your little one when hes about to lick you. 

Will Licking Me Harm My Baby?

Definitely not! It will not harm your baby. It is normal for babies to lick their mothers. They are just exploring the surroundings. It is just a developmental phase and will go away with time. 

But if your baby is licking you always keep yourself clean. It will not be safe if your baby is licking you as soon as you get back from work or if you are drenched in sweat.  

All the dirt and the germs on your body can get into your babys system and harm your baby. 

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Make sure to freshen up as soon as you get home before you carry your baby. Germs can cause babies to vomit and have diarrhea. 

If your baby is licking all kinds of things in the house, just maintain hygiene and cleanliness around the baby. Because if any germ gets into your babys system it can cause issues.

Will Licking Me Harm My Baby

Babys immune system is still getting used to the environment and they can fall sick very easily, so be sure that you are always careful with your baby and what gets into their mouth. 

Why Does My Baby Lick Me?

We all know how strange it could be when your baby keeps licking you whenever they get the chance. But there’s actually a few simple reasons why babies lick their mothers.

Here are the most common reasons, keep in mind that these are perfectly normal!

Explore and Learn

The most probable reason your baby licks you could be that they are trying to learn more about you and your taste.  They are just trying to figure you out.

Babies are born with a strong sucking reflex, which helps them to eat and drink.

When they’re not eating or drinking, they often use this sucking reflex to explore their surroundings – including your face!

Show Affection

It could also be that your baby is trying to show you affection, by licking you. 

In the animal world, licking is often used as a sign of affection. So your baby may be just trying to show you some love.

Salty Taste

Babies are curious creatures and they’re often drawn to new things, including the salty taste of human skin.

Show Affection

While it may not be the most pleasant experience for adults, babies seem to enjoy it!

Moisture And Warmth

It is also possible that your infant is trying to get more warmth and moisture from your skin, by licking it. 

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To Calm Down

Some babies also like to lick people because it’s a way to self-soothe and calm down.

Whatever the reason, dont be grossed out just enjoy the moment and know that its a sign of their love for you, and is nothing out of the ordinary.

Dont worry, babies will eventually grow out of this phase. In the meantime, just be glad that theyre not biting you!

How Can I Stop It?

If you really want to stop it, you can distract them by giving them something to chew. Otherwise dont worry too much about it. They will grow out of it with time. 

If you are dirty, don’t carry your baby until you wash and freshen up, that way you can avoid them licking you.

Most of the time theyll stop licking you after two years. Till the age of 1.5 years most children lick their mothers. 


Babies explore the world with their mouths, and licking is one way they do this. They may also be trying to communicate with you or show their affection. Whatever the reason, it’s nothing to worry about. 

Just enjoy the moment and the special bond you share with your little one.

Also read: why do babies moan when they eat


Why Does My Baby Lick Metal?

When your baby is teething, the baby tends to lick metal a lot because metal is cooler and makes them feel good. There is no other reason why they lick metal and if you are worried about it, get your baby a silver teething ring. 

Why Does My Baby Lick The Floor?

There is no particular reason why babies lick the floor, again it is just their way of exploring their environment. When you are home do not wear shoes. Keep the floor clean. That way even if your baby is licking the floor you wont cringe.

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