Is It Ok To Wash Baby Clothes In Public Laundromat?

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Many new parents are often unsure about the safety of using public laundromats for their baby’s clothes.

Turns out, it is perfectly fine to wash your baby’s clothes in a public laundromat. However, you will need to take some precautions like making sure that the washer and dryer you use are clean and that you use a good detergent.

In this post, we’ll go through everything you need to know about washing baby clothes in a public laundromat. 

The Risk Of Washing Baby Clothes in Public Laundromats

The biggest concern of new moms is germs and almost all public laundromats may have germs as many people wash their clothes there.

Moreover, these machines aren’t entirely drained between loads. Therefore, water from their clothes can remain even after someone takes their clothes out of the machine.

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Since you can’t say for sure what was in that previous user’s water, you must be careful. This is important when you are going to wash your baby’s clothes.

Risk Of Washing Baby Clothes in Public Laundromats

However, you don’t need to be afraid if you have a good detergent. The reason is that they purify contaminated water.

How to Wash Baby Clothes at a Public Laundromat Safely

Even with the best detergent, you still have to perform a couple of additional steps before washing baby clothes at public laundromats to make sure it’s hygienic.

These are:  

Examine the Machine Properly

If you are worried about germs and other dirty stuff so much, check the machine before you put the baby’s clothes in it.

And if you find something that you don’t like, go for another machine. The reason is that sometimes hairy bits or other dirt can remain from the previous user.

Some laundromats have front-loading washing machines. These machines come with a small door so that you can open the door and examine the inside.

Moreover, there is a rubber seal surrounding this door. Usually, that rubber part catches some dirt. So it is better to bring something to wipe off before entering your clothes. 

Use Hot Water and Some Bleach and Then Run an Empty Washing Cycle

We know that you are careful about anything that concerns your baby. Their clothes aren’t an exception.

Therefore, if you follow this tip, you don’t have to worry. If you don’t know about bleaching products, use some Borax. It contains only natural minerals.

Bleaching will ensure that the machine is clean enough to put your baby’s clothes in. 

Use a Safer Detergent

Another important thing to consider if you are wondering if it is ok to wash baby clothes in a public laundromat is detergent.

And many moms fearlessly recommend washing baby clothes in a public laundromat. The only thing you need to do is use a safer detergent.  

Additionally, some mothers even use vinegar to disinfect machines in the laundromat. And they admit that after following these steps, they have never had any trouble.

Even though following all these steps may cost some money, you can be 100% sure about the baby’s safety. However even without following these safety steps, most moms haven’t met any problems. But it is always good to be on the safer side.

Is Using Public Laundry Hygienic For Baby Clothes Washing?

Most people are afraid of public laundromats because of infectious germs. And this factor depends on the laundromat as well.

Some laundromats have an excellent reputation for their hygiene, while some don’t have it.

So if you can access a well-maintained public laundry, don’t think twice about going and getting your baby’s clothes washed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs a lot of moms would often have about public laundromats

Can you wash a newborn’s clothes with another laundry?

It is totally fine for your baby’s clothes to mix up with your other laundry. It doesn’t do any harm to your baby at all.

Think like this. Don’t you carry them in your arms? Don’t you kiss them? You do, right? So without even thinking, your baby has already contacted your clothes. Therefore, you can wash your baby’s clothes and your clothes together.

But make sure that you use a soft detergent. You may find contrary ideas. So it is subjective to the experiences of people. Somehow, the majority is with the affirmative answer.

Can you wash a newborn's clothes with another laundry

Is there a particular age to stop using a detergent for baby laundry?

It is advisable to use baby laundry detergent until your baby reaches 1 year.

But many believe you don’t have to use a particular detergent to wash your baby’s clothes. While this is true, you are free to use a baby laundry detergent if you are bothered so much about this question. 

Can I put baby clothes in the dryer?

There are some baby clothes that you shouldn’t put in the dryer. For example, vintage baby clothes are better on lines than in a dryer. This is about the durability of clothes.

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What can I use to wash my baby’s clothes?

Generally, there are instructions printed on the fabric to follow. 

And wash your baby’s clothes in the way you always do. Usually, it is advisable to use hot water to clean diapers. And use cold water for other garments of the baby. 

Bottom Line

So if you are a mom wondering is it okay to wash baby clothes in public laundromat, don’t overthink. It’s safe and you are good to go, but make sure to follow the tips we outlined in the article.

Plus, the clothes will come out just as clean as if you had washed them at home!

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