Can I Exchange Diapers Without A Receipt? (Solved)

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If you are a new parent, going through the gifts after a baby shower your good friends threw for you, you are bound to come across a set (or several sets) of diapers that are a size 1 or NB which your baby will grow out of very quickly.

And let’s not forget the frantic shopping sprees you’ll be going on to get all those baby essentials, and in the end, you realize the diapers you’ve brought home are a size too small. 

And to add the cherry on top – you’ve lost the receipt!

And once the baby gets here, you will definitely find yourself with a surplus of gifts from family and friends, and among them will be diapers and LOTS OF THEM! So what do you do with all these diapers that you can’t or do not want to use?

You return them of course! But can I exchange diapers without a receipt? YES!

In this article, I will walk you through the return process of 2 major stores – Target and Walmart, where the return processes are slightly different. And if you don’t want to return the diapers but still don’t want to use them, I’ll tell you how to handle them as well!

Returning Diapers At Walmart Without A Receipt

While returning diapers at Walmart with a receipt is a pretty straightforward process, returning them without a receipt can be understandably pretty complicated since the receipt holds a lot of valuable information regarding your purchase.

However, it is not too difficult a process to wrap your head around.

When you are heading to Walmart to return diapers without a receipt, you need to make sure that the particular store sells that very brand AND size. If it does not, your diapers will not be accepted.

Not every store sells every variation of diapers, so you can either call them or download the barcode app and determine for yourself. It is super important that you do this or otherwise it might cost you a lot of time.

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Once you get to the store, and the return process is done (they will ask certain questions but on the whole, it will be a quick process), you will either get a refund (only if it is under 10 dollars) or get to exchange it for something else in the store (store credit).

You might also get a gift card of the value (once again, only if it is under the value of 10 dollars).

Make sure, the diaper package is in good condition, is NOT OPENED, and that you handle the return within 90 days from the date of purchase.

Returning Diapers At Target Without A Receipt

If your diapers were purchased at Target, returning them is going to yield a slightly different outcome. While returning diapers without a receipt is entirely possible, their return policy is different compared to Walmart.

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While you have a host of options in Walmart, with Target you will only be getting store credit for whatever price they are currently on sale for.

If you have opened the diaper packs, Target will not be processing them for returns (most of the time, more on this later).

Returning Diapers At Target Without A Receipt

However, this exchange should also happen within 90 days of purchase, as it is how Target’s return policy operates. Moreover, you cannot return diapers brought from another store to Target, even if they sell that particular brand. 

What If You Bought The Diapers Online?

Diapers bought online can also be returned (not everyone goes to the store these days!), and it has to happen within 90 days as well.

You have two options in this case – you can return them to the particular store, or you can mail them.

Either way, if the purchase and condition of the goods align with their return policy, you can have refunds or store credit at both Walmart and Target. 

If You’ve Already Opened The Package…

In this case, things get a tad complicated. While Walmart does not accept diapers that have been opened (it doesn’t align with their return policy), Target might actually process them, since they have a 100% customer satisfaction policy.

So if your diapers have caused an allergic reaction, or are damaged in any way, or you simply do not like the product you might get store credit at Target.

However, if you are too busy to make the run to the store, you can always make a donation.

In these hard times, diapers have become an essential item needed by orphanages, adoption centers, homeless shelters, and a multitude of other organizations that have to instantly adjust and cater to several infants on occasion.

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The diapers that you return to the stores have the chance of ending up in the garbage, so if you really want your extra diapers to help someone, donating them would be the best way to go.

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