BLW Cheese Recipes For Babies

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These recipes are only suitable for babies over 6 months of age as it is not recommended to serve cheese to babies below this age.

It is also recommended that allergens are introduced one at a time so make sure this recipe is introduced only with foods your baby has already eaten including the foods including the other ingredients in the recipe.

Also Read: Can A Six Month Old Baby Eat Pizza?

Avocado And Cream Cheese Dip

This is a great recipe for Parents using Baby-Led approaches to weaning or wanting to introduce finger food as it makes a versatile dip with steamed vegetables or cucumber and it loved spread on wholemeal toast sliced into fingers, sliced pitta bread or smothered onto low sodium oatcakes.

This recipe was, and still is one of my daughter’s favourites. I Introduced this to her as during the first few weeks of Baby-Led Weaning, as a teenager she now makes it for herself.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 4 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1 tbsp lime juice (optional)
  • chopped fresh cilantro or scallions for garnish (optional)


  • Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the flesh and place it in a mixing bowl.
  • Add the softened cream cheese, to the mixing bowl with the avocado.
  • Using a fork, mix all the ingredients together until the dip is smooth and creamy.
  • Once the dip is mixed, transfer it to a baby bowl and garnish with finely chopped cilantro, if desired.

Serve the dip with soft, cooked vegetables such as cooked carrots, sweet potato, or broccoli, or if you have already introduced your baby to wheat, soft sliced pitta bread or wholewheat (seedless) toast fingers.

Also Read: When Can My Baby Have Cheese?

This dip is a great way to introduce healthy fats from avocado to your baby’s diet, while also adding variety and flavour to their meals.

It can also be used as a dip for soft, cooked vegetables to encourage your baby to eat their vegetables.

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