Baby Sleeping Sitting Up Folded In Half (Explained)

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If you are a parent, you may have seen your baby sleeping sitting up folded in half. It may look strange and uncomfortable, but it is actually quite normal and there’s nothing to worry about most of the time.

There are a number of reasons why babies sleep this way, and we will go through all of these in this post.

Is Sleeping Folded in Half Safe?

According to research, the safest way for a baby to sleep is on their backs. However when a baby learns to roll over, all parents know how challenging it is to keep a baby in a position we want. They turn and roll in the cot according to their own wishes.

Also Read: Why do babies sleep with their head tilted back

A Baby sleeping sitting up folded in half may look really uncomfortable and even unsafe, and we can understand that no parent likes to leave a baby in such a position.

Is Sleeping Folded in Half Safe

However, it turns out, babies sleep in this way because it’s comfortable for them. It is safe for babies to sleep folded in half, or whatever position they and there won’t be any issues as long as your baby is able to roll over and back again. This means that when baby starts moving more and can hold their head you should free their arms from the swaddle, and ensure your baby’s sleeping area is safe and clean ( no additional comforters or bedding, has a waterproof mattress protector, breathable sides, and a firm mattress)and that you are vigilant. It is strongly recommended that you sleep in the same room as your baby until they are 6 months old.

If you baby has fallen asleep sitting up- do this

Stay Vigilent

More infant deaths occur in baby car seats out of the vehicle than during travel. This is sadly often because babies get overheated or suffocate due to the sleeping position. Therefore never leave you baby in an infant car seat for longer than 2 hours and never leave your baby asleep unattended in an infant car seat.

Make sure to keep an eye out for:

Discomfort Sounds: Listen to the sounds your baby makes with discomfort. If you hear anything like that, it could be due to this position. Therefore, adjust their position until you don’t hear the baby making uncomfortable sounds.

Breathing Difficulties: Check if the baby’s airways are blocked. You can observe this by listening to the baby’s breathing pattern. Accordingly, if their breathing pattern is typical, there is nothing to worry about. But if you find the baby breathing with effort, you must be careful. And keep them in a straightened position.

However, don’t let your baby sleep in this position for too long as it will eventually make it hard for the baby to breathe and could (unlikely) result in sudden infant death syndrome.

If your baby is in their crib and they sleep this way lay them back on their backs in a clean cot without toys blankets or additional bedding.

Never leave your baby asleep in a baby chair, bouncer, high chair or sofa or stroller that does not lay flat. All these carry a significant risk of suffocation to your baby particularly if they are under 6 months of age.

Although it feels cruel its best to gently rouse your baby and lay them in their bassinet. Even though your baby won’t like being woken if they sleep in their room away from noise during the day they will get a better deeper sleep and wake up less grumpy.

Why Do Babies Sleep Sitting Up Folded in Half?

Let’s take a look at why babies sleep this way.

During the early stages of development (mostly when they’re at least 6 months old), some babies often sleep in this sitting position because they find this position comfortable.

Why Do Babies Sleep Sitting Up Folded in Half

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Below are a some of the other possible reasons:

Baby Feels Like Being Held

This sleeping position is kind of similar to how the parents keep their babies in their arms. Moreover, babies are in the same rolled-up mode when mom breastfeeds. It is always best to lay baby down on their backs in their bassinet or crib whilst asleep,

Babees like to listen to the heartbeat of their parents and co regulate by doing this, so slinging your baby can often cause baby to drift off to sleep, however, you should be cautious not to sit down yourself and drift off as sleeping of a sofa with an infant is very very dangerous. Therefore, if baby is sitting up folded in half while sleeping on you by all means sit and enjoy the moment, these are beautiful moments, but don’t do this if you are likely to fall asleep yourself!


You may not have prepared an appropriate space for your baby to sleep, this is always a bassinet/crib with a firm flat mattress, and no additional bedding.

When they were in the womb, rolled up like a cotton ball so their body’s are malleable but they weren’t then breathing air. Its for this reason baby needs to lay flat now when they are a newborn, When they are crawling they get into allsorts of odd positions and this matters far less because they will more themselves and adjust themselves so long as their cot is free of anything extra that could cause them to overheat. This includes cuddly toys and comforters. Additionally the sides of the crib or bassinet should be breathable all around and not against anything that is solid and could restrict your baby’s breathing.

This sleeping position is what their muscles remember. Moreover, they stayed in the womb for nine months which is considerably an extended period. And that might bring them the most comfortable feeling, however until they are comfortably moving your should always lay them flat on their backs


If your baby is in some kind of back pain, he won’t be able to sleep on his back. If this if your baby appears to be in pair you should consult your pediatrician.

Also read: blowing in baby’s face

Therefore if you baby find sleeping sitting up folded in half position, its best to lay them to sleep in a safe place.

When Should You Change This Sleeping Position?

People often refer to this sleeping position as the frog position. 

According to doctors and scientists, it is normal for babies to sleep like this. Yet nobody has given a solid and scientific explanation for this sleeping position of babies.

Some babies may even cry when parents try to change their sleeping position, and the parents let their babies sleep as they wish. However you always keep an eye on the baby and shouldn’t let a baby who is not mobile sleep this way. 

We know you get the urge to change your baby’s awkward sleeping positions. But you are afraid to wake them up. If you notice strange breathing patterns in your baby, you need to change the baby’s sleeping position Immediately and keep a constant watch.

While many say to place the baby on their back while sleeping, babies are babies. They have their ways of doing things, from being mobile at around 3/4 months your baby is going to suit themselves. Whilst this is less of a concern than newborns it is important at this stage that you ensure your baby’s bassinet/crib is a clean and uncluttered environment, and that you free baby’s arms from any swaddle so that they can move themselves back. Baby sleep sacks are an ideal solution to this problem. They won’t keep your baby still, nor should they, but they can help you to keep your baby’s sleep environment free from additional blankets and stay at an even temperature whilst they dance about in their sleep.

Bottom Line

Babies sometimes sleep sitting up folded in half when they are mobile because they’re comfortable that way and that’s how they’re used to being in the womb. However, infants of all ages should never be left to sleep in chairs, infant car seats or strollers due to risk of suffocation. Therefore if you find your baby in this position always lay them flat on their backs.

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