Baby Pushing Bottle Away But Still Hungry? (Solved)

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When it comes to feeding time, every baby is different. Some want to guzzle down every last drop, while others push the bottle away when they’re still hungry. 

If your little one is in the latter group, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to get them to finish their bottle!

In this post, Ill go through the different reasons why your baby is pushing the bottle when they are clearly still hungry, and how to get them to finish their bottle. Plus, we will go through some FAQs many parents like yourself might have regarding bottle feeding.

Why Is My Baby Pushing Bottle Away When Still Hungry?

Feeding is one of the most important things in a babys routine and if your baby keeps pushing the bottle away when they’re still hungry, it can be a huge problem for every mother.

There are several reasons why your little one might be pushing the bottle away, here are some of the most common ones:

Why Is My Baby Pushing Bottle Away

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Doesn’t Want the Bottle From Mom

One of the reasons why a toddler might be pushing the bottle away could be because its given to them by mom. 

The baby will refuse the bottle even if they are hungry because they want to be breastfed by mom. This is very common as babies often prefer breast milk over formulas that most parents give them due to their busy schedules. 


The way your baby is positioned when feeding can also be one of the reasons why they refuse their bottles, as the position could be uncomfortable for your little one

If this is the case, you must find the right position they’re comfortable with to make them drink their formula.

Their Surroundings

The surrounding of the baby is also very important when you offer them the bottle, especially when the baby is over 4 months old. 

As they’re very sensitive to their surroundings and can easily get distracted and push the bottle away. 

Baby Could Be Teething

Teething is also one of the reasons why your baby might be pushing the bottle away from you.

It’s quite hard for them to put up with teething as a result they end up refusing food and formula bottles which are quite natural. 

baby could be teething

The Temperature Isn’t Right

The temperature of the milk is also very important when you give them the bottle. 

If they dont like the temperature, the baby would eventually refuse the bottle of milk or the formula. Check if the milk is cold, since babies like the temperature to be similar to breast milk and breast milk is quite warm.

Baby Doesn’t Like the Formula

Another reason your baby refuses a bottle is that they do not like the formula (or the smell of formula) you are giving them. 

It can be because you have been breastfeeding them for a certain time and they have gotten used to it hence they would push the bottle away even if they are hungry.

Your Baby Might Not Be Feeling Well

If your baby is pushing away the bottle and seems to be having trouble feeding, it could be because he or she is sick. 

If you’re concerned about your baby’s eating habits or think that he or she might be sick, don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

What to Do if Baby Pushes Bottle Away but Still Hungry?

If your baby is pushing the bottle away but still seems hungry, there are a few things you can do. 

They would work out but first, you should identify what made them push away the bottle and work according to the reason they had.

Place the baby in a more comfortable position

The way you hold your little one and their position is super important when you give them a bottle of milk or formula. 

However, youll have to work hard for this and should try different positions that your baby feels comfortable with. They would never refuse the bottle of milk if they are comfortable with the position.

Distancing their mom when they are being fed

Since babies prefer breast milk over formula it would be better if the mother keeps her distance from the baby during this time and to hand over this duty to dad or the caretaker of the baby. 

Change in atmosphere

As mentioned before, babies can get distracted from their busy surroundings when they are given the bottle. 

So it is better if you can take them somewhere boring with a silent surrounding so that they don’t get distracted by the outer forces. So their concentration would only be on the bottle of milk you give them.

A good pacifier

Giving your little one their favorite pacifier is also one of the best ways you can lure your baby to drink their bottle of milk or formula. 

Babies often refuse to drink if they are uncomfortable with the pacifier. So it’s up to the parents to provide them with the correct and healthy pacifier.

Try giving them breast milk instead of formula

Most of the time, babies push bottles away even when they are hungry because they do not like the taste of the formula. 

You can put some of your breast milk into these bottles as they have gotten used to it. This would be better for those who have newly tried the bottles. 

If not you could even try different flavored formulas that are available in the market in abundance. 

give them a different pacifer

Also read: why do babies moan when they eat?


Why Does My Baby Push Her Bottle Out with Her Tongue?

There can be a couple of reasons why your baby pushes her bottle out with her tongue besides not feeling hungry or she had enough. The main reasons could be the transition from breastfeeding to bottle, they dont like the formula or the baby is teething.  

It could also be some of the other reasons we talked about in the article. Or your baby might push the bottle out if she is tired and exhausted and would prefer to have a long nap than food.

Why Is My Formula Fed Baby Suddenly Refusing Bottle?

If you have been feeding your baby with formula and if he or she suddenly starts to refuse it, it could mean that your baby might not be hungry anymore so youll have to wait till they feel hungry again.

It could also be that your baby might be picky with the temperature of the milk or the formula as some babies prefer the formula warm and some prefer it cold. 

Or it could be the position and the atmosphere around them that make them refuse the bottle of formula sometimes like we discussed in the beginning. So you should be aware of what makes them comfortable. 

Another possible reason is that your baby might not be feeling well and might be sick which is why you should be on alert when they refuse their bottle of formula and talk to a pediatrician if all the tips we mentioned didnt work.

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