Baby Back Cracks When Picked Up (Explained)

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If you’ve ever picked up your baby and heard an unsettling cracking sound coming from their back, you may be wondering what’s going on and if your little one is hurt or in pain.

Even though it may sound unsettling, your baby is fine and is not in any pain. Cracking in babies’ backs, especially when they get picked up, is normal, and happens often. 

These sounds are the result of your baby’s softer tissues rubbing against the harder ones, gas being released from joints or muscle contractions making a click.

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Three reasons baby’s back might be clicking

Joint Movement: According to experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), joints can make noise due to the release of gas bubbles within the joint spaces during movement. This phenomenon, known as cavitation, is similar to the cracking sound experienced by adults during joint movements.

Ligament and Tendon Stretching: As babies grow and develop, their ligaments and tendons may stretch or shift, which can result in audible sounds. This stretching can occur during active movements and is generally considered a normal part of the baby’s development.

Muscle Contractions: The contraction and relaxation of muscles during movement may also produce audible sounds. This is particularly common during activities such as stretching or changing positions.

In this post, I’ll explain why a baby’s back cracks when picked up, if it’s normal and when you should be worried.

If this cracking sound is coming from your little one’s SHOULDERS, read our post on baby’s shoulder cracks when picked up

Is It Normal For Baby Back to Crack When Picked Up?

In short, yes, it is normal for a baby’s back to crack when picked up and it happens to every growing baby. These sounds are normally heard around the baby’s back, knees and hips.

Is It Normal For Baby Back to Crack

Babies grow every day and have a much faster growth rate than us adults, so this happens a lot. And it’s not something you need to worry about (you’ve got enough on, we know!).

It’s important to note that this cracking sound is different from the sound of baby bones cracking. That sound is much more serious and if you hear something like that, you should seek medical attention immediately.

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Additionally, if you hear identical sounds in their hips and you hear a “clunk” rather than a “click,” consult your physician because it could be a congenital hip dislocation, which should be addressed as soon as possible.

Why Do Baby Back Cracks When Picked Up?

The main reason a baby’s back cracks when picked up is that your little ones’ softer tissues, like tendons, are sliding against the harder ones like bones, causing friction and thus the clicking sounds. 

This is because babies have a higher growth rate and so their body parts grow faster than average humans, and this will continue until their late teenage years.

Another possible cause of back cracking in babies is the presence of air bubbles in their joints. As babies move and stretch, these air bubbles can be released, causing a popping or cracking sound.

So if you hear a pop sound, it could be a result of this nitrogen gas leaving the spinal joints as the backbone moves. Babies are usually very flexible, so these pop sounds shouldn’t cause concern and will become less noticeable as your child grows.

Why Do Baby Back Cracks

There is also a small chance that it could be Joint Hypermobility which means your baby has more flexible joints, often known as being double-jointed. 

But babies are not diagnosed with joint hypermobility since their joints and tendons are very flexible. If symptoms persist through into later childhood and maturity, a doctor would then make a diagnosis.

What Happens When Baby’s Back Cracks?

The tendons connecting the muscles and bones together are very flexible, which allows the muscles and bones to rub against the tendons, causing these cracking sounds. This is because your little one is still growing, putting pressure on the tendons. 

So the only thing that happens is your baby’s tendons rubbing against the bones or muscles and the nitrogen leaving the spinal joints.

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The bones and tendons in your baby’s back will continue to develop and strengthen over time, reducing the occurrence of cracking sounds. However, it’s important for parents to not place too much pressure on their babies’ backs.

So keep in mind to always support a baby’s head and neck when picking them up to prevent injury.

Does It Hurt When Babies Back Crack When Picked Up?

Even though it may sound unsettling, it doesn’t hurt your baby and does not indicate any underlying health problems. It’s a normal part of their development and shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

Never intentionally crack your baby’s back

There has been controversial videos on social media on Chiropractors cracking baby’s back. This is not advisable by leading Pediatricians, as baby’s body’s are very fragile, so you should never do this at home. Always consult your pediatrician if you are concerned about your baby’s back or if your baby appears distressed, or is unusually positioned after a crack.

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Get a good Mattress

The choice of a good mattress is crucial for promoting healthy back development in babies. While specific scientific studies on mattresses and baby back health are limited, experts in pediatric medicine and child safety provide guidance on selecting an appropriate mattress. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of a good mattress for baby back health:

Spinal Alignment: A good mattress should provide proper support and alignment for a baby’s developing spine. It should neither be too firm nor too soft, as an excessively firm surface may create discomfort, while an overly soft mattress may cause the baby’s body to sink, leading to poor spinal alignment.

Preventing SIDS: A firm and flat mattress is recommended to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises placing babies on their backs to sleep on a firm mattress with a fitted sheet, avoiding the use of soft bedding materials that can pose suffocation hazards.

Comfort and Sleep Quality: A comfortable mattress promotes better sleep quality for babies. A supportive surface that offers the right balance of comfort and firmness can help babies relax and maintain a more restful sleep. Sufficient sleep is crucial for their growth and development.

Safety Considerations: An appropriately sized mattress that fits snugly into the crib or bassinet is important to prevent gaps or entrapment hazards. It should meet safety standards and have proper ventilation to reduce the risk of overheating.

When selecting a mattress for your baby, consider factors such as firmness, materials used, certifications for safety standards (e.g., CertiPUR-US, GREENGUARD), and adherence to safety guidelines provided by organizations like the AAP and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). It is also recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintaining and replacing the mattress as needed.

Newton baby mattresses come in a variety of sizes to fit bassinets, cribs, and toddler beds, they are 100% washable and breathable and can be purchased with soft washable covers and fitted sheets, so that you can rest assured that your baby is sleeping as safely as possible.

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